I am really appreciating the book, 'Between Noon and Three' by Robert Capon. In telling a parable of sorts, he reflects on this verse. A statement from him:
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, on the condition that after a reasonable length of time we would be the kind of people no one would ever have had to die for in the first place. Otherwise, the whole deal is off.
God's grace is COMPLETELY scandolous.
You hear the gospel for an indeterminate period of time. But. Yes, there is a but. All of a sudden, you need to do something. You need to give more. More money. More time. More. Programs need to be sustained. If this does not happen, then much will not have been made of Jesus. Jesus is apparently relying on our deeds and programs for His kingdom to be advanced.
We must hold on to the Gospel. The Good News. We are loved. That is the thing. We are simply loved. We were completely dead. We have been made completely new. His love compels us. We do not compel His love. That is the new good news. His grace is scandalous.